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Helper function to load play-by-play data from nflreadr for a specified time frame.


load_data_from_nflreadr(season, week_min, week_max)



NFL season to obtain play-by-play data. The season can be defined as a single season, season = 2024. For multiple seasons, use either season = c(2023,2024) or season = 2022:2024.


Minimum week to define whether pulling a range of weeks or the entire season. Use week_min = 1 for the first week of the season, must be an integer.


Maximum week to define a range of weeks to pull from an NFL season. If not defined, the data will be pulled for all weeks, beginning with week_min.


Dataframe containing filtered play-by-play data


Helper function to load play-by-play data from nflreadr. The function filters the data to include a specified time frame including seasons and a range of weeks. If week_max is provided, filter between week_min and week_max If week_max is not provided, filter for weeks >= week_min to get the remainder of the season. This function is typically utilized if the user is not loading play-by-play data from a database.

See also

load_pbp: Load play-by-play data

get_pbp_data: Obtain filtered play-by-play data utilizes this helper function


Nolan MacDonald